Applied Curiosity LLC

globally connected. infinitely curious.

Applied Curiosity possesses over 70 years of aggregate experience with projects such as the following:



Oceanic water type classification using self organizing feature maps

Economic analysis using evolutionary computation

Cloud classification from satellite images based on hybrid neural networks

Ocean color and temperature visualization using multi-spectral satellite imagery

Uncooled infrared detector controller

Digital chirp generator for radar

FPGA-based digital controllers

Transmitter and receiver design for radiometric calibration of airborne and spaceborne radar systems

Antenna switching network controller

Study of data analysis protocols for sun photometer and sky radiance measurements

Hierarchical data analyses using wavelets

Design and development of multi-terabyte storage area networks (SAN)

Development of data mining technology for banner advertisement targeting

Satellite-based land cover observation program management

Development and implementation of audio and video compression techniques

GPS-based data acquisition systems

Soft modems

Internet-based video processing infrastructure

Internet protocol research

DSP algorithms for internet appliances

Research and development of java-based distributed processing systems

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